Geographic Information and Mapping I - Fall, 2012
Type of Class
an introductory GIS class
Course Format
traditional, face-to-face
Course Duration
a full semester, 12 weeks or more
Course Structure
lecture/discussion and labs combined
Software required:
This course is an introduction to digital mapping and spatial analysis using a geographic information system (GIS). Students learn how to create their own maps and how to use a GIS to analyze geographic problems using methods that can be applied to a wide variety of subject areas within geography and in other disciplines. In the lectures, we discuss mapping and analysis concepts and how they can be applied using GIS software. In the assignments, students then learn how to use the software.
This is an introductory GIS course for students intending to take a GIS minor, as well as for students who need a methods course for their major. There were 169 students in the course.