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Title | Author | Disciplines Likely to be Interested | Content Keywords | GISSkill Keywords | Level | Time to Complete Lab | Software Used | Download Link |
Walkability, Accessibility, and Public Transit | Alison Smith | Urban Studies, Planning, Geodesign, Environmental Studies, Landscape Architecture, Geography | urban planning, urban design, public transportation, transit accessibility, walkability, Census | Network Analyst, Community Analyst, select by attribute, select by location, dissolve, union, field calculator, generate summary tables | 2 | 4-6 hours | ArcGIS 10.X, Network Analyst Extension, Community Analyst Add-In for ArcGIS for Desktop (optional) | Download Link |
Interpretation and Analysis of Remote Sensing Imagery for Tracking Land Cover Changes in the San Fernando Valley | Adrian Youhanna | Urban Planning | Land Change, Urban Planning, Agricultural Loss | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, Unsupervised Classification | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, MultiSpec | Download Link |
Timber Harvest Planning Using GIS | Alexandra Felix-Locher | Natural Resources Management; Environmental Science; Geography; Forestry | forestry; habitat; land-use planning; Michigan; timber harvest; wildlife | vector; attribute queries; location queries; joining tables; field calculator; creating layouts | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10.x | Download Link |
Assessing Risk and Accessibility to Search and Rescue Teams | Alexandra Felix-Locher | Geography; Natural Resources Management; | Arkansas; Ouachita National Forest; risk assessment; search and rescue | creating map layouts; network analyst; raster; raster calculator; raster reclassification; spatial analyst; vector | 2, Development | < 2 hours | ArcGIS 9.3, Spatial Analyst extension, Network Analyst extension | Download Link |
Forest Planning for Sensitive Wildlife Species | Alexandra Felix-Locher | Forestry; Land Use Planning; Natural Resources Management: Environmental Studies; Geography | forestry; land-use planning; sensitive wildlife species; timber harvest; wildlife habitat management | attribute queries; buffer; coordinate systems; creating map layouts; field calculator; geographic coordinate system; location queries; projections; proximity tools; spatial join; vector | 2, Development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 9.3 | Download Link |
Park Needs Analysis | Alison Smith | Urban Studies, Planning, Geodesign, Environmental Studies, Landscape Architecture, Geography | urban planning, city park system, Trust for Public Land (TPL), ParkScore, park needs, park accessibility, walkability | dissolve, union, field calculations, Network Analyst service area analysis, export data, select by location, make feature layer, identity | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.X | Download Link |
Evaluating Insect Infestation in the Sandia Mountains, New Mexico | Amy Ballard | Forestry, Resource Management | Insect oubreaks, Forestry, Non-native Species | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, DEM | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Visualizaing and Analyzing Landform Changes Cuased by Surface Coal Mining | Brian Perkins | Resource Management | Surface Mining, Elevation, DEM, LiDAR | Image Processing, Image Analysis, LiDAR, DEM | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x | Download Link |
Assessing Point Groundwater Contamination Potential: The Floridan Aquifer | Can Denizman | Environmental Studies; Environmental Science; Geography | point groundwater contamination; karst aquifers; Superfund sites; hazardous material | 2, Development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 9.3, Spatial Analyst extension | Download Link | |
Assessing Nonpoint Groundwater Contamination: Florida caves | Can Denizman | Environmental Studies; Environmental Science; Geography | nonpoint groundwater contamination; karst; land use; aquifer | data generalization; dissolve; overlay; identity; proximity; buffer; extraction; clip; adding table fields; calculating table fields; summarizing tables | 2, Development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 9.3 | Download Link |
Assessing Point Groundwater Contamination Potential: Florida caves | Can Denizman | Environmental Studies; Environmental Science; Geography | point groundwater contamination; karst aquifers; HMS; caves | vector analysis; XY table; table joins; spatial joins; spatial analysis; density; zonal statistics | 2, Development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 9.3 | Download Link |
Relating Land Cover Changes to Stream Water Quality: James City County, VA | Cherie Aukland | Urban Planning, Resource Management | Urbanization, Endangered Species | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.2 | Download Link |
Comparing Lake Storage Levels Using Landsat Imagery | Craig Davis | Climatology, Resource Management, Hydrology | Drought | Remote Sensing, Digitizing, Raster Data | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.x | Download Link |
Land Cover Classification for Planning and Mangement | Dan Scollon | Resource Mangement, Urban Planning | Wildfire, Land Change, Vegetation Indices | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, Unsupervised Classification, Supervised Classification | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Unsupervised Classification of Forest Stands with Landsat Imagery | Dave Hobbins | Forestry, Resource Management | Forestry, Natural Resources | Image Processing, Image Enhancement, Unsupervised Classification, Landsat, remote sensing | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.x | Download Link |
Detection of Gypsy Moth Defoliation | David Webb | Resource Management, Forestry | Invasive Species, Forest Health | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Street Kids: Geography & Risks for Homelessness | Deden Rukmana | Geography; Social Sciences; Sociology | homelessness, homeless youth and children, residential origins, neighborhoods, demographic factors, socioeconomic factors | geocoding, spatial statistics, mean, median, standard deviational ellipse, ordinary least squares (OLS) | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link | |
Early Childhood Education: Distribution of Pre-K Facilities for Children under Five Years Old | Deden Rukmana | Education; Sociology; Public Administration; Social Sciences; Geography; Political Science | pre-K facility, neighborhood, census tract, spatial distribution, US Census data | geocoding | 1, engagement | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10.x | Download Link |
High School Dropouts: the Effect of Neighborhood Characteristics | Deden Rukmana | Sociology; Geography; Social Sciences; Public Administration; Education | high school dropouts, neighborhoods, school attendance zones, socioeconomic factors, demographic factors; Census | 2, Development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link | |
Evaluating Wildlife Habitat in Montana | Douglas Crebs | Resource Management, Conservation | Habitat, Forage, Bighorn Sheep | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, DEM | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Colorado River Basin Defoliation: Analysis of Tamarisk Beetle Impacts | Eileen D. Goff | Resource Management, Forestry | Riparian, Non-native Species | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, NDVI | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.x, Google Earth | Download Link |
Determining Land Cover Classification for the St. Louis River Watershed | Elizabeth Sedgewick | Resource Management | Land Cover, Watershed | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Assessing Storm Damage: Hurricane Sandy, Future Hurricanes and Sea-Level Rise | Emily Burns | Emergency Management, Meterology, Planning | Hurricane Sandy, Hurricanes, Coastal flooding | Image Processing, Image Analysis, aerial photography | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.2 | Download Link |
Competitive analysis for a retail firm: assessing and mapping the competitive environment | Fred L. Miller | Business; Marketing (Principles, Retail Management, Strategic Marketing, Research); Entrepreneurship: Economic Development | marketing; business GIS; business; environmental scanning; thematic mapping; geodemographics; demographic | color-coded mapping, searching business listings, mapping competitors and retail attractors using BAO standard reports | 2, development | 1-2 hours | Business Analyst Online (Version 5.3); also, Business Analyst Web App, a premium app available through your ArcGIS Online for Organizations licensing. | Download Link |
Site selection without customer data for a retail firm | Fred L. Miller | Business; Marketing; Environmental Studies; Geography | retailing, site selection, market area definition, market area analysis | geocoding site addresses, creating market areas, ordering and interpreting BAO standard reports, Tapestry Segmentation | 1, engagement | 2-4 hours | Business Analyst Online 5.3); also, Business Analyst Web App, a premium app available through your ArcGIS Online for Organizations licensing | Download Link |
Customer Profiling: Demographic and lifestyle segmentation | Fred L. Miller | Business; Marketing (Principles, Strategic Marketing); Entrepreneurship: Economic Development: | customer profiling, market segmentation, market penetration, market expansion, location analytics, lifestyle segmentation, demographics | data visualization, data enrichment, data table manipulation, market area analysis | 1, engagement | < 1 hour | ArcGIS Online for Organizations | Download Link |
Tapestry for retail merchandising: matching product lines with customer lifestyle segments | Fred L. Miller | Business; Sociology; Demographics; Marketing (Principles, Retailing, Retail Management, Strategic); Entrepreneurship: Economic Development | retailing, market area analysis, retail management, retail merchandising | geocoding, drive time market areas, ordering reports, MPI | 1, engagement | 1-2 hours | ArcGIS Maps for Office 4.0 app in MS Excel. When you download the app, you will need to know which version of Excel you will be using. Please see these system requirements. You will also need an ArcGIS Online for Organizations subscription | Download Link |
Market assessment and site screening with Business Analyst Online | Fred L. Miller | Business; Marketing; Sociology; Geography | marketing, retailing, retail site screening, environmental scanning, market assessment, economic development | color coded mapping, calculating custom data, demographic data, Smart Map Search | 2, development | 2-4 hrs | Business Analyst Online (Version 5.3), associated with ArcGIS Online for Organizations | Download Link |
Evaluating International Opportunities | Fred L. Miller | Business; Marketing; Sociology; Geography; Economic Development | marketing, international marketing, global marketing management, international market assessment, site selection | data visualization, data enrichment, data table manipulation, market area analysis | 2, development | 1-2 hours | ArcGIS Online for Organizations; GapMinder | Download Link |
Determining Flood Risk in Iowa | Gail Brown | Emergency Management, Meterology, Planning | Flooding, Hydrology, Floodplain | Image Analysis, Landsat, Vector Analysis | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Glimpses of the Past: Investigating Settlement Sites of Prehistoric Humans Stream Slope and Aspect | Garrett Love | Archaeology; Geography; Anthropology; History | archaeology; projectile points; end scrapers; slope; aspect; settlement patterns; chi-square | merge; reclassify; minimum bounding geometry; raster data | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10.0; Spatial Analyst | Download Link |
Glimpses of the Past: Investigating Settlement Sites of Prehistoric Humans Stream Proximity | Garrett Love | Archaeology; Geography; Anthropology; History | archaeology; projectile points; end scrapers; slope; aspect; settlement patterns; chi-square | merge; reclassify; minimum bounding geometry | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10.0; Spatial Analyst | Download Link |
Change in the Right Direction: Monitoring Land Cover Change by Satellite | Garrett Love | Geography; Remote Sensing; Environmental Studies; Environmental Science; Urban Studies; Planning | impervious surfaces, storm water, satellite imagery, change detection, change vector analysis, change magnitude, spectral space, components, | distance formula, mask, raster calculator, Spatial Analyst, layer properties, reclassify, symbology | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10.0; Spatial Analyst | Download Link |
Forest Inventory: Building an elevation surface | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | DEM; raster; TIN; hillshade; elevation raster; slope; contours | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, ArcScene, 3D Analyst | Download Link | |
Forest Analysis Techniques: Determining vulnerability to spruce budworm | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | forest protection; reclassifying forest features aspatially and spatially; | characterizing with a numeric distribution and a map; selecting features by attribute; using Python in the Field Calculator;, using a VB code block in the Field Calculator; spatially joining features; dissolving features; summarizing an attribute | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, VBScript | Download Link |
Calculating Forest Values: Summarizing timber value by stand type and accessibility | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | timber value; forest products; stand types | characterizing with a single number and a numerical distribution; selecting features by attribute and location; using VB code in the Field Calculator summarizing an attribute | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, Visual Basic, VBA, VBScript, Microsoft Excel | Download Link |
Assessing Clearcutting Activities: Calculating visible clearcut amounts | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | clearcut visibility | characterizing with a single number; numeric distribution; selecting features by attribute and location; merging features; dissolving features; extracting arc-polygon topology from a coverage; creating rasters; using map algebra; calculating a viewshed | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, Spatial Analyst extension | Download Link |
Assessing Clearcutting Activities: Measuring watershed effects | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | watershed | characterizing with a single number; numerical distribution; map; selecting features by attribute; merging features; creating a raster from polygons; creating polygons from a raster; performing map algebra; overlaying maps (poly-on-line, line-on-line); summarizing an attribute; delineating watersheds | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, Spatial Analyst extension | Download Link |
Calculating Forest Values: Assessing forest recreation value | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | social forest value; recreation value; characterizing with a single number; | numerical distribution and a map; selecting features by thematic attribute; computing a slope raster; calculating neighborhood (focal) statistics; creating a raster using a feature class attribute field; reclassifying a raster; calculating continuous distance; calculating multiple raster statistics (local) | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, Visual Basic, VBA, VBScript, Microsoft Excel | Download Link |
Assessing Clearcutting Activities: Compiling harvest opening sizes | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | harvest opening size | characterizing by a single number; numerical distribution; map; selecting features by attribute; using Python in the Field Calculator; dissolving features; summarizing an attribute | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link |
Forest Inventory: Updating with imagery | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | imagery; georeferencing; digitizing; editing feature classes; overlaying features | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link | |
Calculating Forest Values: Calculating an HSI for an old-growth indicator species | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | old growth; habitat suitability index; Blackburnian warbler | characterizing with single numbers; selecting features by attribute; using VB code in the Field Calculator; dissolving features; summarizing an attribute | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, Visual Basic, VBA, VBScript, Microsoft Excel | Download Link |
Forest Inventory: Updating with GPS | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | imagery; GPS; digitizing; accessing GIS map service; image services; feature classes; buffer; features; overlay | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, ArcGIS Explorer | Download Link | |
Calculating Forest Values: Evaluating maple sap production potential | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | nontimber forest products; maple syrup; characterizing by numerical distribution | selecting features by attribute; buffering features; overlaying features; using VB code in the Field Calculator; summarizing an attribute | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, Visual Basic, VBA, VBScript, Microsoft Excel | Download Link |
Forest Analysis Techniques: Comparing fixed- and variable-width riparian buffers | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | riparian buffer; reclassifying forest features spatially; | characterizing with a single number; selecting features by attribute; overlaying features (poly-on-poly, poly-on-line); buffering features (fixed and variable width). | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, ArcScene | Download Link |
Forest Inventory: Documenting a geodatabase | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | metadata, data types, range domain, code domain, alias | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, ArcGlobe | Download Link | |
Forest Inventory: Building a geodatabase | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | coverage; shapefile; raster; imagery; geodatabase; coordinate system; datum transformation; imagery mosaic | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10, ArcGIS Explorer | Download Link | |
Forest Analysis Techniques: Assessing balsam fir tipping potential | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | non-timber forest product analysis | characterizing with a single number; numerical distribution; map; selecting features by attribute and location; using VB in the Field Calculator; overlaying features (poly-on-poly); buffering features (fixed width; summarizing an attribute. | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link |
Forest Analysis Techniques: Evaluating economical timber amounts | Glen Jordan | Forestry; Natural Resources Management | timber forest product analysis | characterizing with a single number; numeric distribution, map; selecting features by attribute; using Python in the Field Calculator; summarizing an attribute; calculating a distance surface; calculating zonal statistics | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link |
Estimating Rates of Coastal Erosion in Hazen Bay, Alaska | Hector Douglas | Resource Management | Coastal Erosion, Climate Change | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, Unsupervised Classification, Supervised Classification | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.2 | Download Link |
Educational Performance and Family Income: Diamonds on the Soles of Scholarship? | Jeff Blossom | Economics; Sociologoy; Public Administration; Social Sciences; Geography | demographic analysis | choropleth, statistics, data classification, correlation, spatial join, overlay analysis | 2, Development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10x; 9x | Download Link |
Creating and Analyzing a Phoenician Navigational Safety Zone | Jeff Blossom | Geography; History | visibility, landmarks, historic, coastal topography | 2, Development | < 2 hours | ArcGIS 9 or 10 | Download Link | |
The Global Oil Market: A spatial perspective of this complex phenomenon | Jeff Blossom | Economics; Social Sciences; Geography; Natural Resources Management | economic markets; geographic clustering and dispersion; global economics; global oil market; maritime oil routes; oil consumption; oil transport; pipelines; world geography | cartographic representation and techniques; classification methods; data analysis; data classification; map rendering in 2D and 3D; spatial analysis; thematic mapping; visualization tools | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link |
Analyzing Yoruba Political Power and Urbanization Patterns | Jeff Blossom | Geography; Environmental Studies; Sociology; Anthropology; History; Social Sciences | social dynamics; urbanization; historical GIS | viewshed | 2, Development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 9 or 10 | Download Link |
Predicting West Nile Virus Outbreaks | Jeff Blossom | Social Sciences; Geography; Public Health | climate, West Nile virus, visualization, predictive | data calculations, data classifications, | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 9 or 10 | Download Link |
Estimating Suitable Areas of Livestock Grazing | Jeff Sun | Resource Management, Rangeland Management | Rangeland, Soils, Grazing Suitability | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, Soils, DEM | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Using Supervised vs. Unsupervised Classification to Map Geology | Jeff Tolhurst | Geology | Geology, Granitic, Volcanic | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, Unsupervised Classification, Supervised Classification | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.1 | Download Link |
Mosaicking Landsat Images Using ArcGIS | Joe Zebrowski | GIS | Mosaicking, Data Preparation | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, Moasicking | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.2 | Download Link |
Remote Sensing Observations of Central New York Green-UP Phenology, Spring 2009 | Jonathan Little | Resource Management, Planning, Forestry, Agriculture | Phenology, Green-up, Forest | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.1 | Download Link |
Groundwater for Many People: The spatial science of a shared resource | Julienne Gard | Environmental Studies; Environmental Science; Sociology; Geography; Natural Resources Management | aquifer; water table; porosity; infiltration; recharge; overdraft; compaction; subsidence; carrying capacity; groundwater; groundwater management; social planning; policy planning; | query; classify; overlay; clip; buffer; vector data | 1, engagement | < 2 hours | ArcGIS 9 or 10 | Download Link |
Urban Land Cover Change | Kelly Allen | Urban Planning | Land Cover, Urban Planning, Change Detection | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.2 | Download Link |
Impervious Surfaces in Snohomish County, Washington | Kerry Lyste | Urban Planning | Urbanization, Impervious Surface | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Tracking Land Cover Changes in the Yellowstone River Valley (YVR) near Billings, Montana | Luke Ward | Resource Management | Land Cover, Vegetation Change, Urbanization | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, NDVI | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.2 | Download Link |
Determining Ecoroof Locations to Imporve Urban Environments in Oregon | Lynn Songer | Planning | Ecoroofs, Urban Planning | Unsupervised Classification, Landsat, remote sensing | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Urban Sprawl and Sediment Loading in the Chesapeake Bay | Michael Krimmer | Urban Planning, Freshwater, DEM, Vegetation Indices | Freshwater Sedimentation, DEM, Planning | Image Processing, Image Enhancement, Unsupervised Classification, Landsat, remote sensing, DEM | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Indexing Wildfire Burn Severity in Banning, California | Michael O'Neill | Emergency Management | Wildfire, Land Change, Vegetation Indices | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.x | Download Link |
Growing Season Analysis | Michael Rudibaugh | Agriculture, Resource Management | Agriculture, Climate Change, Growing Season | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x | Download Link |
Migration Routes and Hazards Encountered by Turtles in the Gulf of Mexico | Michelle Kinzel | marine biology; oceanography; biology; introductory GIS; physical geography; environmental studies | marine mammals; animal migration; animal habitat | basic familiaity with ArcMap and ArcCatalog interfaces | 2, Intermediate | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10.1; Excel | Download Link |
Maps as Tools | Michelle Kinzel | marine biology; oceanography; biology; introductory GIS; physical geography; environmental studies | map elements; cartography; geographic methods | map production; layout and design; cartography | 1 | 1-3 hours | ArcGIS 10.1; Excel | Download Link |
Bathymetric Landscape Features and Gray Whale Habitat Usage | Michelle Kinzel and David Laskin | marine biology; oceanography; biology; introductory GIS; physical geography; environmental studies | indicator species; bathymetric depth; oceanography; marine resources; slope; distance; marine mammals | raster calculator; benthic topographic complexity | 2, intermediate; 3, advanced | 3-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.1; Excel | Download Link |
Pacific Cetaceans: Density and Distribution of Whales and Dolphins in Coastal Southern California | Michelle Kinzel and Lei Lani Stelle | marine biology; oceanography; biology; introductory GIS; physical geography; environmental studies | marine mammals; bathymetry; marine animal habitat | basic familiaity with ArcMap and ArcCatalog interfaces; select data by attributes; query data by attributes | 2, intermediate | 5-6 hours | ArcGIS 10.1; Excel | Download Link |
Impacts of Sea Level Rise and Storms on Manhattan | Monika Calef | Geography; Natural Resources Management; Environmental Studies | climate change; sea-level rise; risk analysis; disaster management | clip; conditional statement; nested conditional statement; raster calculator | 2, development | < 2 hours | ArcGIS 9.3; Spatial Analyst | Download Link |
Delineation of Watersheds in Adirondack Park, New York | Monika Calef | Environmental Studies; Geography | environmental studies; hydrology; watershed delineation; digital elevation model | raster data import; project; clip; mosaic; raster processing; Spatial Analyst Extension; flow direction; filling sinks; water accumulation; source raster; stream links; data mash-up | 2, Development | < 2 hours | ArcGIS 10.4, Spatial Analyst extension | Download Link |
Population Mapping and Modeling for Manhattan | Monika Calef | Environmental Studies; Sociology; Geography | environmental studies; population prediction; population modeling; U.S. Census Data; TIGER data; vector data | TIGER conversion; select by attribute; project; join table; add & calculate field | 2, development | < 2 hours | ArcGIS 9.3 | Download Link |
Forest Fragmentation Due to Shale Drilling: Sproul State Forest, PA | Nicole L. Ernst | Resource Management, Forestry | Forest Fragmentation, Land Cover | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, Supervised Classification | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.2 | Download Link |
Analyzing Recent Landscape Change | Phil Crossley | Emergency Management, Meterology, Planning, Forestry | Debris Flow, Mudslide | Image Analysis, Landsat, Vector Analysis | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.2 | Download Link |
Environmental Equity and Air Toxics | Rachel Russell | Enrironmental Studies; Environmental Science; Geography | environmental equity, environmental racism, environmental justice, race and ethnicity, social inequity, toxic release inventory, public health | 2, Development | 6 - 8 hours | ArcGIS 9x | Download Link | |
Making Connections: Relating Land Cover Changes to Stream Water uality in Long Creek Watershed | Reed Perkins | Natural Resource Management, Urban Planning | Watershed, Water Quality, Urbanization | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, Unsupervised Classification | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
The Potential for Greenway Development along the Niagara Escarpment | Robert Lord | Planning, Forestry | Greenway, Forest, Planning, DEM | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat, 3D Analyst | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
Land use change in adjacent basins of the Catawba River within Mecklenburg County | Rodney D. Jackson | Resource Management, Planning, Forestry | Land cover, Land use, Vegetation indices. | Image Processing, Image Enhancement, Unsupervised Classification, Vector/Raster Integration. Landsat, remote sensing | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.3, ENVI 4.5 | Download Link |
Hurricane Katrina: Understanding physical and social vulnerability | Su Jin Lee | Geography; Natural Resources Management; Environmental Studies | risk management; vulnerability; hurricane; precipitation; elevation; poverty | buffer; clip; join; calculate | 2, development | < 2 hours | ArcGIS 10.4 | Download Link |
The Spatial Distribution of Poverty: A Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) | Sumeeta Srinivasan | Geography; Sociology; Anthropology; Political Science; Environmental Studies | poverty estimation; development studies; South Asia; Sri Lanka; | Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) Regression; Weight Matrices; Weight functions; local and global multicollinearity; Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link |
Does Green Go with Gold? Environmental assessment vs. economic development in the U.S. | Sumeeta Srinivasan | Environmental Studies; Environmental Science; Geography; Economics | principal component analysis; spatial statistics | spatial autocorrelation; local cluster analysis | 2, Development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10.x | Download Link |
Point Patterns in Forest Fires | Sumeeta Srinivasan | Forestry; Physical Geography | forest fire spatial patterns; | kernel density estimation; Ripley's K; centroid; standard deviational ellipse; Moran's I; nearest neighbor distance | 2, development | 2 - 4 hours | ArcGIS 10 | Download Link |
Flood Inundation Analysis of the Provo River, Utah | Suzanne Walther | Emergency Management, Planning | Flooding, Floodplain, DEM | DEM, Modeling | 2 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 10.x | Download Link |
Monitoing Land Surface in Yellowstone National Park | Trent Morrell | Resource Management, Planning, Tourism, Geology | Heat emissivit, Geothermal, Hydrothermal, Vulcanism | Image Processing, Image Analysis, Landsat | 1 | 2-4 hours | ArcGIS 9.x, ENVI | Download Link |
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