Tufts University - GIS for International Applications - Spring 2013
Type of Class
an introductory GIS class
Course Format
traditional, face-to-face
Intended Class Size
medium, 20-40 students
Course Duration
a full semester, 12 weeks or more
Course Structure
lecture/discussion and labs combined
Software required:
Link to online syllabus and course materials
This course introduces students to the use of geospatial technologies, data, and analysis focusing on applications in the international context. The course gives primary emphasis to the use of geographic information systems (GIS) for data creation, mapping, and analysis. It will also cover the use of global positioning systems (GPS) for field data collection and mapping; cartography for high quality visualization; and the use of map mash-ups and crowd sourcing in the international arena. Final projects are large-format poster info-graphics. More detailed course information is available at here. Enrollment limited to 26 students. Spring semester.