GIS Concepts and ArcGIS Methods

By: David Theobald

GIS Concepts and ArcGIS Methods

5th edition, published by Conservation Planning Technologies

This book is intended for: introductory GIS class, advanced GIS class

Academic levels: any student

Nature of this book: General text book, also includes some kind of lab activities


This popular book has been separated into two documents (basics and advanced), and has been revised to take full advantage of digital textbook formats, being published both as an iBook (for iPad) and PDF. In addition, it provides direct links to concepts from Geographic Information Science articulated in the AAG’s “Book of Knowledge” (BoK), which provides a clear way for educators to design, organize, and align their courses within the broader GIScience model curricula.

GIS Concepts and ArcGIS Methods: Basics is an ideal textbook for introductory GIS courses as it demonstrates how to display, query, edit, and analyze feature-based geographic data, while the companion volume, GIS Concepts and ArcGIS Methods: Advancedcovers raster-based geographic data in depth.

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