Reply To: Industry Requirements

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Hello Senthil,

Thank you for posing your question, afterall, an education should open doors and prepare one for the working world. The Association of American Geographers (AAG) has resources that may be of interest to you:

1) Ask a Geographer ( From the dropdown menu, select GIS, you will be brought to a list of geographers working in the field of GIS (private business, academy, museum) who have provided their contact information. There are a few people listed who have stated specifically that they are willing to answer questions about GIS careers.

2) Part of having a job is to receive a salary (and do something you love). AAG provides salary trends, there is one on geospatial technology (

3) For leisure reading, I recommend short profiles of geographers working both in and outside of academia. These personal stories provide a summary of their work and knowledge/skills needed. There are a few GIS related examples (

Good luck with your job search!
