By: Christian Harder, Tim Ormsby, Thomas Balstrom
Audience Types: introductory GIS class, advanced GIS class
Audience Levels: more experienced undergrad students
Focuses on problem solving around the water issues of the Los Angeles River Basin.
All sorts of GIS books. Enter any book-related term (e.g., “introductory” or “concepts” or “tutorials”) into the filter search box to see books that match.
By: Christian Harder, Tim Ormsby, Thomas Balstrom
Audience Types: introductory GIS class, advanced GIS class
Audience Levels: more experienced undergrad students
Focuses on problem solving around the water issues of the Los Angeles River Basin.
By: John Krygier and Denis Woods
Audience Types: introductory GIS class, cartography, basic or general class on digital mapping
Audience Levels: any student
Cartography and modern map making, with a creative and non-traditional flair.
By: Maribeth Price
Audience Types: introductory GIS class
Audience Levels: any student
This is a popular tutorial book.